Results for 'Augustin Cardinal Bea'

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  1. The Unity of Christians.Augustin Cardinal Bea - 1963
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    The Jewish People in the Divine Plan of Salvation.Augustine Cardinal Bea - 1966 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 41 (1):9-32.
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  3. The Church and the Jewish People.Augustin Cardinal Bea & Philip Loretz - 1966
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    Law and the Sacred Scriptures.Augustine Cardinal Bea - 1960 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 35 (3):325-330.
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  5. Le Cardinal Augustin Bea. 1881-1968.M. Gilbert - 1983 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 1 (3):369-383.
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    Dogma and Ecumenism: Vatican II and Karl Barth's Ad Limina Apostolorum ed. by Matthew Levering, Bruce L. McCormack, and Thomas Joseph White, O.P. [REVIEW]Gavin D'Costa - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):971-974.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dogma and Ecumenism: Vatican II and Karl Barth's Ad Limina Apostolorum ed. by Matthew Levering, Bruce L. McCormack, and Thomas Joseph White, O.P.Gavin D'CostaDogma and Ecumenism: Vatican II and Karl Barth's Ad Limina Apostolorum edited by Matthew Levering, Bruce L. McCormack, and Thomas Joseph White, O.P. (Washington, DC: Catholic University Press of America Press, 2020), ix + 369 pp.In May 1966 Karl Barth visited Rome. He was invited (...)
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    Bea, Augustin, Der Ökumenismus im Konzil. Öffentliche Etappen eines überraschenden Weges. [REVIEW]S. Folgado Flórez - 1970 - Augustinianum 10 (2):401-402.
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    The Humanistic Background of Cardinal Kim’s Notions of Peace in Relation to Augustine’s Perspective. 박승찬 - 2018 - The Catholic Philosophy 31:187-226.
    ‘평화’ 개념은 일상에서 가장 많이 사용되면서도 깊이 있게 성찰되지 못하고 있다. 그런데 이미 김수환 추기경은 현실의 절박한 상황에 대한 구체적인 성찰을 토대로 심오한 평화 사상을 제시한 바있다. 과연 그는 어떻게 그렇게 깊이 있는 성찰에 도달할 수 있었을까? 여러 교회 문헌이 일차적인 자료였을 것으로 추정되지만, 우리는 더 깊은 근원을 찾아 아우구스티누스의 평화 사상과 비교해보았다. 이를 통해 보편적인 평화의 추구, 참 평화와 거짓 평화의구별, 평화를 정의의 실현과 사랑의 결실로 보는 것 등 중요한 내용과 구조는 매우 유사하다는 점을 확인했다. 그렇지만 두 사상가사이에는 평화를 (...)
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    Saint Augustin et le néoplatonisme. [REVIEW]J. J. Gaine - 1957 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 7:173-175.
    In this volume Professor Sciacca publishes lectures which he gave at Louvain in 1954 in the series ‘Chaire Cardinal Mercier’. A brief introduction sets the scene: in 384 Augustine is a believing, if not a professing, Catholic but he is still burdened with philosophical perplexities left him by Manicheism. At this point Neoplatonic influence is felt; pp. 3-19 analyse its effect. Augustine christianises the Plotinian Intellect identifying it with the Word; but this doctrine does not present the Word made (...)
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  10. 'The joy of the Gospel': Reading Pope Francis's Evangelii Gaudium with St Augustine.Joseph Lam - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (3):304.
    Lam, Joseph The election of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio on the evening of 13 March 2013 stunned as many Vatican observers as had the resignation from the Chair of St Peter announced by Pope Benedict XVI during the ordinary consistory of cardinals at the Vatican on 11 February that year. While the Vaticanisti expected a younger pope, the seventy-six year old Archbishop of Buenos Aires emerged from the conclave as the 266th pope and successor of the ageing German pope. However, (...)
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  11.  20
    From St. Augustine and St. Denys to Olier and Bérulle’s Spiritual Revolution. [REVIEW]Wayne J. Hankey - 2007 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 63 (3):515-559.
    Prenant comme point de départ les sculptures qui ornent la façade de l’Assemblée nationale du Québec, notamment celles de Marie de l’Incarnation, Jean-Jacques Olier et François de Laval, cet article dégage les fondements augustiniens et pseudo-dionysiens de la spiritualité de la Nouvelle-France. En nous basant sur les comptes rendus de la vie en Nouvelle-France et sur les manuels qui y furent utilisés, nous cherchons à déterminer le type d’augustinisme qui fut enseigné au Séminaire de Québec et au Grand Séminaire de (...)
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    The Open Church.Michael Novak - 2002 - Routledge.
    Michael Novak's eyewitness report on the second and pivotal session of Vatican II in 1964 vividly inter weaves pageantry, politics, and theology. An unusually well-informed lay intellectual, who had earned a theological degree just before the Council, Novak applauded the purposes of Pope John XXIII and his successor Paul VI-"to throw open the windows of the church." In this report, he coined the classic description of the foes of the reforms at Vatican II as the party of "nonhistorical orthodoxy," emphasizing (...)
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  13.  28
    The Unity of Christians. [REVIEW]J. D. Bastable - 1964 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 13:319-319.
    This valuable collection of lectures, articles and interviews is a rare introduction to an octogenarian scholar and a decisive leader in the new development of ecumenical theology, who is revealed at work immediately preceding the opening of the Second Vatican Council. Cardinal Bea has shown a notable talent for lucid explanation in public as well as quiet insistence upon basic principle in the sympathetic appreciation of the endemic divisions among Christian believers, which inevitably blur the image of Christ for (...)
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  14. John Calvin and Virtue Ethics: Augustinian and Aristotelian Themes.David S. Sytsma - 2020 - Journal of Religious Ethics 48 (3):519-556.
    Many scholars have argued that the Protestant Reformation generally departed from virtue ethics, and this claim is often accepted by Protestant ethicists. This essay argues against such discontinuity by demonstrating John Calvin’s reception of ethical concepts from Augustine and Aristotle. Calvin drew on Augustine’s concept of eudaimonia and many aspects of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics , including concepts of choice, habit, virtue as a mean, and the specific virtues of justice and prudence. Calvin also evaluated the problem of pagan virtue in (...)
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    Power-like models of set theory.Ali Enayat - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (4):1766-1782.
    A model M = (M, E,...) of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory ZF is said to be θ-like, where E interprets ∈ and θ is an uncountable cardinal, if |M| = θ but $|\{b \in M: bEa\}| for each a ∈ M. An immediate corollary of the classical theorem of Keisler and Morley on elementary end extensions of models of set theory is that every consistent extension of ZF has an ℵ 1 -like model. Coupled with Chang's two cardinal theorem (...)
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    Pagan virtue: an essay in ethics.John Casey - 1990 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The study of the virtues has largely dropped out of modern philosophy, yet it was the predominant tradition in ethics fom the ancient Greeks until Kant. Traditionally the study of the virtues was also the study of what constituted a successful and happy life. Drawing on such diverse sources as Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Shakespeare, Hume, Jane Austen, Hegel, Nietzsche, and Sartre, Casey here argues that the classical virtues of courage, temperance, practical wisdom, and justice centrally define the good for humans, (...)
  17.  19
    The Heart: An Analysis of Human and Divine Affectation.Dietrich von Hildebrand, John Haldane & John F. Crosby - 2007 - St. Augustine's Press.
    This new edition of The Heart is the flagship volume in a series of Dietrich von Hildebrand's works to be published by St. Augustine's Press in collaboration with the Dietrich von Hildebrand Legacy Project. Founded in 2004, the Legacy Project exists in the first place to translate the many German writings of von Hildebrand into English. While many revere von Hildebrand as a religious author, few realize that he was a philosopher of great stature and importance. Those who knew von (...)
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    Due vedute di Roma.B. R. Brinkman - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37 (2):176–192.
    Books reviewed in this article: The Anchor Bible Dictionary. Edited by David Noel Freedman with Gary A. Herion, David F. Graf, John David Pleins. The Gospel of Matthew. By Daniel J. Harrington. Paul: An Introduction to his Thought. By C. K. Barrett. A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identiy. By Daniel Boyarin. New Testament Theology. By G. B. Caird, completed and edited by L. D. Hurst. The Fatherhood of God from Origen to Athanasius. By Peter Widdicombe. Dieu et (...)
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  19.  11
    Unité et origine des vertus dans la philosophie ancienne.Bernard Collette & Sylvain Delcomminette (eds.) - 2014 - Bruxelles: Ousia.
    Peut-on être courageux mais injuste? Sage mais intempérant? Juste mais ignorant? À ces questions, Socrate le premier répondit que c’était impossible. Le plongeur amateur qui se jette la tête la première dans un puits sans savoir ce qu’il fait n’est pas courageux – seulement téméraire et stupide. Savoir. Tout est là. Mais com- ment savoir quand il n’y a personne pour vous instruire, seulement des charlatans ou des inspirés qui ne savent pas ce qu’ils disent? S’il n’y a personne pour (...)
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  20. Thomas Aquinas as spiritual teacher.Michael Dauphinais, Roger W. Nutt & Andrew Hofer (eds.) - 2023 - Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University.
    St. Thomas Aquinas preaches in his sermon Puer Iesus, "Just as your father begot you bodily, your teacher begot you spiritually." St. Thomas himself has been blessed with prodigious fecundity through the centuries for his teaching in the Holy Spirit. Always, he leads us to think of the Blessed Trinity and all things from God's own view. With new insights into St. Thomas's spiritual teaching in its sources, context, breadth, wisdom, and influences, Thomas Aquinas as Spiritual Teacher presents chapters inspired (...)
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  21.  29
    Augustinian Just War Theory and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: Confessions, Contentions, and the Lust for Power.Craig J. N. De Paulo - 2011 - New York, NY, USA: Peter Lang Publishing.
    Augustinian Just War Theory and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: Confessions, Contentions and the Lust for Power,edited by Craig J. N. de Paulo, Senior Editor, et al. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2011. Details: A work concerning Augustine’s influence on Christian just war theory and the rhetoric of just war theorists from two symposia in addition to an Augustinian critique of the wars. Preface by Most Rev. Sean Cardinal O’ Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Boston. Foreword by Roland (...)
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  22.  21
    Erich Przywara, S.J.: His Theology and His World.Thomas F. O'Meara O. P. & Michael A. Fahey S. J. - 2002 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    "O'Meara masterfully situates Pryzwara in relation to the traditional and contemporary theological, philosophical, ecclesial, cultural, and social contexts within which he wrote." --_William P. Loewe, professor of religious studies, Catholic University of America_ Erich Przywara, S.J. is one of the important Catholic intellectuals of the twentieth century. Yet, in the English-speaking world Przywara remains largely unknown. Few of his sixty books or six hundred articles have been translated. In this engaging new book, Thomas O'Meara offers a comprehensive study of the (...)
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    Social Dialogue and Media Ethics.Clifford G. Christians - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7 (2):182-193.
    The central question of this conference is whether the media can contribute to high quality social dialogue. The prospects for resolving that question positively in the “sound and fury” depend on recovering the idea of truth. At present the news media are lurching along from one crisis to another with an empty centre. We need to articulate a believable concept of truth as communication's master principle. As the norm of healing is to medicine, justice to politics, critical thinking to education, (...)
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  24. Human will, human dignity, and freedom: A study of Giorgio Benigno salviati's early discussion of the will, urbino 1474-1482.Amos Edelheit - 2008 - Vivarium 46 (1):82-114.
    This article presents the first detailed account of Giorgio Benigno Salviati's discussion of the will written in Urbino during the mid-1470s and the early 1480s. A Franciscan friar and a prominent professor of theology and philosophy, Salviati was a prolific author and central figure in the circles of Cardinal Bessarion in Rome and of Lorenzo de' Medici in Florence. This article focuses on his defense of the Scotist theory of the will. It considers its fifteenth-century context, in which both (...)
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    Word and Silence in Buddhist and Christian Traditions.Donald W. Mitchell - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):187-190.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Word and Silence in Buddhist and Christian TraditionsDonald MitchellThe following official statement was written by Buddhist and Christian participants at the end of a very successful encounter at the Asirvanam Benedictine Monastery near Bangalore, India, from July 8 to13, 1998. The conference was organized by the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue (PCID) and was attended by its president, Cardinal Francis Arinze, along with the PCID secretary, Archbishop (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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    What Has Cartesianism To Do with Jansenism?Tad M. Schmaltz - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (1):37-56.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:What Has Cartesianism To Do with Jansenism?Tad M. SchmaltzMy title is modeled on the famous query of the third-century theologian, Tertullian: “What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?” Tertullian’s question asks what pagan Greek learning has to do with the theology of the early Church. By comparison my question asks what philosophical Cartesianism has to do with theological Jansenism, and more specifically what these movements had to do with (...)
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    Being and creation in the theology of John Scottus Eriugena: an approach to a new way of thinking.Sergei N. Sushkov - 2017 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    The work aims to demonstrate that at the heart of Eriugena’s approach to Christian theology there lies a profoundly philosophical interest in the necessity of a cardinal shift in the paradigms of thinking – namely, that from the metaphysical to the dialectical one, which wins him a reputation of the ‘Hegel of the ninth century,’ as scholars in Post-Hegelian Germany called him. The prime concern of Eriugena’s discourse is to prove that the actual adoption of the salvific truth of (...)
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    Love Your Enemies: Discipleship, Pacifism and Just War Theory by Lisa Sowle Cahill.John Berkman - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (2):322-324.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:322 BOOK REVIEWS the Holy Office, who in the early 1800s recognized that empirical demonstrations of the earth's motion had finally been given and convinced Pope Pius VII to revoke the longstanding decree against Copernicanism. Unfortunately his greatest opponent turned out to be another Dominican, Father Filippo Anfossi, Master of the Sacred Palace at the time, who had views similar to those voiced by Cardinal Bellarmine in 1615 (...)
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    Tradizioni morali. Greci, ebrei, cristiani, islamici.Sergio Cremaschi - 2015 - Roma, Italy: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Ex interiore ipso exeas. Preface. This book reconstructs the history of a still open dialectics between several ethoi, that is, shared codes of unwritten rules, moral traditions, or self-aware attempts at reforming such codes, and ethical theories discussing the nature and justification of such codes and doctrines. Its main claim is that this history neither amounts to a triumphal march of reason dispelling the mist of myth and bigotry nor to some other one-way process heading to some pre-established goal, but (...)
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    À vrai dire: une conversation.Jean-Luc Marion - 2021 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf. Edited by Paul-François Paoli.
    Prologue -- Une enfance catholique -- Préparation -- Une initiation philosophique -- Dans le miroir des aînés -- En découvrant la théologie -- Les choix de Descartes -- Communion et communication -- Antitotalitaire -- Le tournant -- Premières percées -- Disputes -- Le cas Heidegger -- Augustin et Thomas -- Entre la Somme et la Réforme -- Dans l'ombre du cardinal -- Le vent de l'histoire -- Figures contemporaines -- Les mœurs et l'Église -- L'illusion des valeurs -- (...)
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    (1 other version)Ethics for beginners: 52 "big ideas" from 32 great minds.Peter Kreeft - 2019 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    One universal anonymous sage : the Rta/Tao/Logos -- Four sages from the East. The Hindu tradition : the four wants of man -- Buddha : Nirvana -- Confucius : social harmony -- Lao Tzu : nature's way -- Three sages from the West. Moses : divine law -- Jesus : agape love -- Muhammad : "Islam" -- Three classic Greek founders of philosophy. Socrates : the primacy of wisdom ("Virtue is knowledge") -- Plato: No double standard : ethics and politics (...)
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  33.  11
    A Study on the Possibility and Necessity of Trinity - Through an Appraisal on Theory of The Truth -. 김용덕 - 2023 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 113:95-128.
    삼위일체론은 기독교의 독특하면서 가장 중심적인 교리로서 어거스틴, 안셀름을 비롯한 수많은 스콜라철학자들이 전 인생을 걸고 탐구했던 주제라 해도 과언이 아닐 것이다. 또한 그것은 헤겔(G. Hegel), 가다머(H.-G. Gadamer) 등의 철학에 있어 중심적인 주제로서 삼위일체론을 배제하고 그들의 철학을 온전히 파악했다 할 수 없을 정도이다. 하지만 이러한 삼위일체론의 철학 사상사 속의 중요도에 비해 그리고 그것이 여전히 서양 철학계에서 지속적 탐구의 대상인 것과 비교하여 국내 철학계의 이에 대한 논의는 부족한 것이 현실이다. 본 논문에서는 삼위일체의 논리적 무모순성 및 정합성을 논하는 것을 넘어 삼위일체의 논리적 필연성을 논증하는데 (...)
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    My Life as a Collage par Béa Aaronson.Béa Aaronson - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Collage is an organic process, disconcerting at first, like life really… One needs to readjust the eye and the mind constantly in order to reinvent a coherence amidst the essential incoherence, the womb of my creative process. Juxtaposing, overlaying disparate images from disparate substrates such as popular magazines, art reproductions, old drawings and paintings of mine, and cutting, sometimes following the contour line of the object, sometimes cutting across, cutting through, to - Arts plastiques – GALERIE – Nouvel article.
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    Benedict XVI: A Life. Volume 2, Professor and Prefect to Pope and Pope Emeritus 1966–The Present by Peter Seewald (review). [REVIEW]Emil Anton - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):285-289.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Benedict XVI: A Life. Volume 2, Professor and Prefect to Pope and Pope Emeritus 1966–The Present by Peter SeewaldEmil AntonBenedict XVI: A Life. Volume 2, Professor and Prefect to Pope and Pope Emeritus 1966–The Present by Peter Seewald, translated by Dinah Livingstone (London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2021), viii + 568 pp.What better way to spend Pope Benedict XVI's ninety-fifth birthday (which turned out to be his last) than by (...)
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    Augustine: Political Writings. Augustine & Saint Augustine - 1994 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    The best available introduction to the political thought of Augustine, if not to Christian political thought in general. Included are generous selections from _City of God_, as well as from many lesser-known writings of Augustine.
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    Introduction to John Henry Cardinal Newman's Biglietto Speech.John Henry Cardinal Newman - 2003 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 6 (4):164-169.
  38. The Confessions of St. Augustine Book Viii.C. S. C. Augustine & Williams - 1953 - Blackwell.
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  39. Simone Weil: esperar en la ausencia de esperanza.Emilia Bea Pérez - 2005 - In Manuel Ballester Hernandez, Ante un mundo roto: lecturas sobre la esperanza. Murcia: Universidad Católica San Antonio.
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    De afstand tussen wetenschap en beleid.Bea Cantillon, Marleen Brans, Evelien Tonkens & Corné van der Meulen - 2016 - Res Publica 58 (3):359-376.
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    Saint Augustine's Childhood.Saint Augustine & Garry Wills - 2001 - Continuum.
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    Soliloquies: St. Augustine's Cassiciacum Dialogues, Volume 4.Saint Augustine - 2020 - Yale University Press.
    _A fresh, new translation of Augustine’s fourth work as a Christian convert_ The first four works written by St. Augustine of Hippo after his conversion to Christianity are dialogues that have influenced prominent thinkers from Boethius to Bernard Lonergan. Usually called the Cassiciacum dialogues, these four works are of a high literary and intellectual quality, combining Ciceronian and neo-Platonic philosophy, Roman comedy and Vergilian poetry, and early Christian theology. They are also, arguably, Augustine’s most charming works, exhibiting his whimsical levity (...)
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    On the Happy Life: St. Augustine's Cassiciacum Dialogues, Volume 2.Saint Augustine - 2019 - Yale University Press.
    _A fresh, new translation of Augustine’s inaugural work as a Christian convert_ The first four works written by St. Augustine of Hippo after his conversion to Christianity are dialogues that have influenced prominent thinkers from Boethius to Bernard Lonergan. Usually called the Cassiciacum dialogues, these four works are a “literary triumph,” combining Ciceronian and neo-Platonic philosophy, Roman comedy and Vergilian poetry, and early Christian theology. They are also, arguably, Augustine’s most charming works, exhibiting his whimsical levity and ironic wryness. In (...)
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    The Soliloquies of St. Augustine: A Manual of Contemplative Prayer. Augustine & M. F. G. L. - 1912 - Sands.
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    Verses from St. Augustine: Or, Specimens from a Rich Mine.Saint Augustine & John Searle - 1953 - London ; Toronto : Oxford University Press.
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    For Love of the Other.Tahseen Béa - 2008 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:83-204.
    No memory can follow the traces of the past. It is an immemorial past—and this also is perhaps eternity, whose signifyingness obstinately throws one back to the past. Eternity is the very irreversibility of time, the source and refuge of the past. (Levinas, “Meaning and Sense,” 30)Keeping the senses alert means being attentive in flesh and in spirit. (Irigaray, Ethics of Sexual Difference, 148).
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    Moments to Come.Tahseen Béa - 2006 - International Studies in Philosophy 38 (4):1-27.
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    Preface.Tahseen Béa - 2008 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:1-3.
  49.  42
    Tell, María Belén. Tras la huella del testimonio. Estudio filosófico sobre los silenciosos alcances de la antropología hermenéutica de Paul Ricoeur.Patricio Merino Beas - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (159):285-288.
    Tell, María Belén. Tras la huella del testimonio. Estudio filosófico sobre los silenciosos alcances de la antropología hermenéutica de Paul Ricoeur. Salamanca: Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2015. 288 pp.
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  50. Douglas Cardinal, Architect Visions of a Warrior.Marke Slipp, Gil Cardinal, Andy Thomson & Inc Great Plains Productions - 1991 - Great Plains Productions.
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